Hansani Piumali of Visakha Vidyalaya and Dinesh Kawishka of Vidyartha College, Kandy won the Most Outstanding player awards in the Junior Nationals Table Tennis Championships concluded at the Kandy Municipal Council indoor stadium recently.
Hansani won the under 18 girls’ singles title beating Maneesha Shalindi of Karandeniya Central College, 11/05, 11/03, 11/07 in the finals while Dinesh bagged the men’s under 18 singles title beating Nimesh Ranchagoda from Royal College Colombo 11/08, 11/04, 07/11, 11/04 in the final.
Thanushi Rodrigo of Mahamaya College and Ochini Dissanayake of Mahamaya Girls College, Kandy beat Hansani Piumila and Nathasha Sandavinee of Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo in a toughly contested under-18 girls’ doubles final 09/11, 07/11, 11/08, 11/09, 11/08. Nimesh Ranchagoda and Thisas Ranchagoda of Royal College, Colombo beat Hiruna Warusawithana and Lahiru Tharanga of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda (09/11, 11/09, 13/15, 11/09, 11/09) in the under 18 boys’ doubles final.
Bimandee Bandara of Hillwood College, Kandy and Chandupa Alahakoon of Kingswood College, Kandy won the under 18 mixed doubles crown beating Dilmi Kolombage of Prajapathi Gothami BMV, Ambalangoda and Dewmith Weerasena of Lyceum International School, Nugegoda 11/08, 07/11, 11/07, 11/05.
Plantation Ministry Additional Secretary Janaka Dharmakeerthi was the chief guest at the award ceremony.
Results of the finals:
Under 10 Girls Singles
EsminiSandunya of KegaluBalikaVidyalaya, Kegalle beat LesanyaSithumdi of Dharamasoka College, Ambalangoda. (11/9, 11/9, 11/4)
Under 10 Boys Singles
KakeruHennayake of Ananda College, Colombo beat ShafiullahAkram of Al Hudha National School. (11/05, 05/11, 11/07, 03/11, 11/09)
Under 12 Girls Singles
BimandeeBandara of Hillwood College, Kandy beat NadithiRehansa of PrajapathiGothami BMV, Ambalangoda. (11/03, 11/09, 11/09)
Under 12 Boys Singles
SenuraDilankaSilva of Ananda College, Colombo beat AkeshDimantha of Vidyartha College, Kandy (11/04, 11/05, 08/11, 11/08)
Under 15 Girls Singles
DilmiKolombage of PrajapathiGothami BMV, Ambalangoda beat JitharaWarnakulasuriya of Ladies’College, Colombo (11/06, 11/09, 11/03)
Under 15 Boys Singles
HirunaWarusawithana of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangodabeat ChanulDulsen of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda(10/12, 11/07, 11/08, 11/09)
Under 18 Mixed Doubles
BimandeeBandara of Hillwood College, Kandy and ChandupaAlahakoon of Kingswood College, Kandy beat DilmiKolombage of PrajapathiGothami BMV, Ambalangoda and DewmithWeerasena of Lyceum International School, Nugegoda (11/08, 07/11, 11/07, 11/05)
Under 18 Girls Doubles
Thanushi Rodrigo and OchiniDissanayake of Mahamaya Girls College, Kandy beat HansaniPiumila and NathashaSandavinee of VisakhaVidyalaya, Colombo (09/11, 07/11, 11/08, 11/09, 11/08)
Under 18 Boys Doubles
NimeshRanchagoda and ThisasRanchagoda of Royal College, Colombo beat HirunaWarusawithana andLahiruTharanga of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda (09/11, 11/09, 13/15, 11/09, 11/09)
Under 18 Girls Singles
HansaniPiumila of VisakhaVidyalaya, Colombo beat ManeeshaShalindi of Karandeniya Central College, Karandeniya(11/05, 11/03, 11/07)
Under 18 Boys Singles
Dinesh Kawishka of Vidyartha College, Kandy beat NimeshRanchagoda of Royal College, Colombo (11/08, 11/04, 07/11, 11/04)
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