Sri Lanka concedes walk-over to Sweden at World TT championship

Due to non-availability of a substitute/replacement, the Sri Lanka (SL) Women’s Table Tennis (TT) team had to concede a walkover to host Sweden at the World Table Tennis Championship (WTTC), as the team comprised of the exact number of 3, sans replacements and a coach to boot.

As result of a tug-o-war between the SLTT Association (SLTTA) and the Ministry of Sports (MoS) 3 Paddlersers, 2 Men and a Woman player were deprived of participating at this Championship.

The teams were selected after a trial conducted among the Top 8 Men and Women Paddlers.

The SLTTA had informed the selected players that, they will have to bear their own expenses on the tour.

On account of this, only 4 players had agreed while the others had backed out, as they couldn’t afford to meet the related expenses.

Finally, 5 Men and 4 Women were selected, but only 3 names each for the Men’s and Women’s teams were submitted to the MoS by the SLTTA for the air tickets.

This resulted in 2 Men and a Woman player unable to represent their country.

When the ‘dropouts’ inquired from the SLTTA, they were informed that the Ministry had issued only 6 air tickets for the team.

When the ‘dropouts’ took up this matter with the MoS officials, they were informed that the SLTTA had requested only for 6 tickets- 3 each for the Men’s and Women’s teams.

It is an absolute disgrace that National Sportsmen and Sportswomen have been called upon to meet the expenses connected with representing their country at International Championships.

Meanwhile, officials of controlling bodies ensure that their expenses are met ‘officially’.

Three Paddlers’ dreams of representing their country at an international event were shattered due to a tug-of-war between the MoS and the SLTTA.

It is high time the MoS conducts an inquiry into this shameful episode.

Sri Lanka Men’s team playing in the 1st Round lost 0-3 to Mexico, 2-3 to South Africa, 2-3 to Congo and 1-3 to Uzbekistan.

Only Udaya Ranasinghe and Rohan Sirisena won 2 matches each, while Krishan Wickremaratne won one.

The Women’s team too met the same fate as their male counterparts, losing 0-3 to Norway, 1-3 to Bosnia, and W/O to Sweden.

Only player to register a win was Ishara Madurangi.

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