By Dhammika Ratnaweera
The attitude of the coaches and trainers was key to developing sports in the village said Sports Minster Faizer Musthafa at the ceremony organized by the Institute of sports science to Award Diplomas to sports officials who had followed the training program. The program was held at the Duncan White Auditorium at the Sports Ministry last Friday(29th June).
T0000he Minister further said “Today there is a big connection between sports and technology. Therefore the National institute of Sports needs to go in new direction. In the past we have participated in sports to develop our brotherhood and ties. However today athletes are professionals.” Nowadays athletes compete always for victory and no sportsman like to loose and thus misses any financial gains.
Today in Sri Lanka, cricketers can earn large sums of money compared to other sports . There is a big difference in the finances between the Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC)and other sports associations. The coaches have to develop with modern technology . This has to come from the grass root level Coaches have come forward to develop the sport . Our coaches have obtained NVQ 4, 5, 6 level certificates today. Thus we can achieve professional standards in sport. We have to keep pace with the rest of the world. With giving Sports Education and Sport Phycology we can make successful results said Sports Minister Faizer Musthafa.
Actually we are disappointed that only Duncan White and Susanthika Jayasinghe were able to achieve success at the Olympics. There is a large gap among the athletes of Sri Lanka. The population in Australia is the same as of Sri Lanka. But Australia has achieved much more than Sri Lanka. Today village kids are more talented than city kids. They have not more opportunities. We are committed to give them this opportunity. If we do not take this to the village the strength and talents of the village children will be lost to us.( ‘Game mal gamema parawee yanawa)
We have to be proud of the achievements of our children at the recently concluded South Asian Junior Athletics Games in Colombo. They were able to win nine medals at the Asian Junior meet in Japan with lack of facilities. There is a big difference between the facilities among rural and town area athletes, Even so in the case of nutrition. Without sought out this gap we cannot go forward. We should all get together to achieve this goal added Sport Minister
When compared with other fields sports bodies are always divided. Every day sports association officials come to my office and make complains and they have divided amongst themselves. They are not willing to promote their sports or the athletes and they always act like small children. However some sports associations are go forward with successful results. But some sport bodies are not doing anything to promote the game. We all know sport bodies have to make financial report and clear from the Auditor General’s Department . That must be officials duty. So we need your strength to develop the sports. We wanted to make good mentality among the athletes as well as offcials.
If we could do that Sri Lanka will win more medals, If our country could not win in sports no one consider our country. Compare with other countries like Australia the mentality of the population is very high and the result is very successful. We need your commitment to build up our young blood and that has to be our duty said Sport Minster.
However most of the officials do their work only for their salary. We have to change this system otherwise we could not make good results. We all love sports and athletes always to sports with dedication. Today we all know that petitions are written against the coaches and management. When the selector named the team the parents are come forward to make petitions. We have to change this system. In recently some sport Ministers directly involve with the selections the final result was unnecessary problems . All coaches and parents wanted to push their athletes but selectors have to concern their talents to make proper selections.
Around 300 participants of local and foreign training in Sports Management have received the Diploma certificates . This is the first time this type of certificate awarding ceremony organizded by the Sport Ministry
Sajith Jayalal Director of the National Sport Science Institute said that In the future they have plan Degree awarding program which will be conducted by the Institute of sports science and already discussions are being held by local and foreign universities. S D D A Borelessas Acting Secretaryof the Sport Ministry , Additional Secretary Mrs S.H.A.N.D Abeyratne and the Ministry Officials were present at this awards ceremony.
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