Sri Lanka football players left for Saudi Arabia for a training camp

The Sri Lanka Football Federation (SLFF) has named the squad for next month’s SAFF Championship in the Maldives and they have left for Saudi Arabia for special training.

The squad also includes experienced players Jude Suman and Kavindu Ishan, while experienced players Wasim Razik, Mervyn Hamilton, Duckson Puslas and Dillon de Silva, who represent foreign clubs, have also been included in the squad.

According to the new President of the Sri Lanka Football Federation Jaswar Umar, in addition to them, the Football Federation had taken steps to name a very strong starting squad for this year’s SAFF tournament, opening the doors of the national team to the players who excelled in local football.

He further said that during the training camp, the Sri Lankan team will play several training matches with two Saudi Arabian sports clubs.

Sri Lankan team had previously planned to join a training camp in Qatar, but that plans had changed Omar further added.

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