Rugby World Cup 2023, special guest of the 59th edition of France’s International Agricultural Fair

Because the world of farming and that of rugby seem to overlap regularly, the International Agricultural Fair and Rugby World Cup 2023 decided to collaborate for the 59th edition of the Fair, from 25 February to 5 March 2023, which fittingly chose as its ambassador a Salers cow, answering to the name of Ovalie. Two events, two distinct spheres, two different missions but both rooted within the French regions, sharing common values (team spirit, drive, strength of the collective…), which naturally led to this union.
The best of france and its regions
From 8 September to 28 October 2023, 20 teams from every continent will face each other on the French soil, creating unique moments of emotions, celebration and sharing. Rugby World Cup 2023 will also be the occasion to shine a light on its regions, its craftsmanship, and the local products of French territories on-display during the International Agricultural Fair. This will come to life thanks to the involvement of the French Chefs of the XV de la Gastronomie, who will put local products at the heart of the competition and its Official Hospitalities. France 2023 has the ambition to promote healthy, responsible and sustainable food, which will be showcased during the Fair, through the signing of a convention with the French ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty to create “Marchés du Rugby” (Rugby farmers markets) during the competition. These markets will be set-up in the competition’s celebration areas and will provide local products, sourced through organic farming.
At the Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles, for the first time, the Hall 1 entrance will be dressed in the colours of Rugby World Cup 2023. Finally, the Webb Ellis Cup will be presented to the Fair’s visitors on 27 February 2023, accompanied by former and current rugby players, connected to agriculture.
Regions, local products, French taste and lifestyle are connectors between two worlds: the agricultural world and the rugby world. A regions’ tour will be possible during this International Agricultural Fair, centered around organic life and biodiversity and will illustrate the strengths of these connections.
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